❈ cam (ronnie potts) & camélia (selma castilla) rejoignent le staff ❈
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the Magician

the Magician

"somewhere between living
and dreaming, there is new-york"

◦ id :
◦ faceclaim : pnj, murdock

— membres inactifs Empty

les inactifs et les départs

Pour suivre les départs et les suppressions I love you (et pour m'aider à gérer les inactifs)


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Jules Reyes

Jules Reyes

◦ id : cilecé, murdock (elle)
◦ faceclaim : adria arjona, kidd

◦ age : thirty-three
◦ occupation : doctor without borders (pediatrician), on medical leave
◦ area : greenwich village, manhattan
◦ mood : shades of blue

seasons of love
options: (fr/en) (#cc9966)
rp: (closed)
trigger warnings: dépression, idées noires, auto-m*tilation, ptsd
clubs, groupes:

— membres inactifs Empty

inactifs du 15.12

- Ezel Deniz
- Gabriele St James
- Atlas Norwood
- Faith St. James


(( cause this town's
just an ocean now ))
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Jules Reyes

Jules Reyes

◦ id : cilecé, murdock (elle)
◦ faceclaim : adria arjona, kidd

◦ age : thirty-three
◦ occupation : doctor without borders (pediatrician), on medical leave
◦ area : greenwich village, manhattan
◦ mood : shades of blue

seasons of love
options: (fr/en) (#cc9966)
rp: (closed)
trigger warnings: dépression, idées noires, auto-m*tilation, ptsd
clubs, groupes:

— membres inactifs Empty

inactifs du 6.02

- abel lehman
- atlas norwood
- beau madden
- mina callahan
- tadjedine shaetris


(( cause this town's
just an ocean now ))
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Ronnie Potts

Ronnie Potts

◦ id : spf. / cam.
◦ faceclaim : phoebe tonkin — © mine

◦ age : thirty-four.
◦ occupation : former con artist — accidental lottery winner, now living the high life.
◦ area : manhattan — townhouse on ues.
◦ mood : somewhere between iconic and psychotic.

seasons of love
options: en/fr.
rp: open 1/2 — ft. eyk; tbc
trigger warnings: crimes, univers carcéral, manipulation.
clubs, groupes: yoga ladies.

— membres inactifs Empty

inactifs du 28.04

- charlie wright
- clementine barlow
- imogen gessner
- lysandre crivey
- park yun-a

— knew we would crash at the speed that we were going, didn't care if the explosion ruined me.
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Contenu sponsorisé

— membres inactifs Empty

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 ::  i. // anybody have a map :: ready, set, go-
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