❈ cam (ronnie potts) & camélia (selma castilla) rejoignent le staff ❈
Le deal à ne pas rater :
LEGO® Icons 10329 Les Plantes Miniatures, Collection Botanique
39.59 € 49.99 €
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 ( so much for stardust )

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Gianna Esposito

Gianna Esposito

◦ id : cécile, murdock (elle)
◦ faceclaim : b. porcaroli, bambieyes, eigengrau

◦ age : twenty-six
◦ occupation : full-time drama queen, owner of the dazy nights nightclub
◦ area : a fancy hotel room in manhattan

seasons of love
options: (fr/en) (#cc6666)
rp: (closed)
trigger warnings: violence physique et verbale, sang, alcool, drogues
clubs, groupes:

( so much for stardust ) Empty

gianna 'gia', esposito
26, single, owner of a nightclub

la fiche en attendant que j'écrive tout ça PwC7SIKV_o  

( caractère ) acerbe, séductrice, impitoyable, l'assurance abyssale, impétueuse, froide, manipulatrice, sarcastique, féroce, jalouse, rancunière, indisciplinée, égoïste, tenace, insaisissable, audacieuse, ardente, astucieuse, intelligente, obstinée, menteuse, et pourtant parfois trop honnête, défiante, envieuse, solaire, brutale, déloyale, impulsive


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Gianna Esposito

Gianna Esposito

◦ id : cécile, murdock (elle)
◦ faceclaim : b. porcaroli, bambieyes, eigengrau

◦ age : twenty-six
◦ occupation : full-time drama queen, owner of the dazy nights nightclub
◦ area : a fancy hotel room in manhattan

seasons of love
options: (fr/en) (#cc6666)
rp: (closed)
trigger warnings: violence physique et verbale, sang, alcool, drogues
clubs, groupes:

( so much for stardust ) Empty



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( so much for stardust ) Empty

( so much for stardust ) 3842105372 ( so much for stardust ) 3842105372 ( so much for stardust ) 3842105372
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( so much for stardust ) Empty

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( so much for stardust )
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 ::  ii. // do your own thing :: personnages :: fiches de liens-
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